Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some hearty laughs

So El had a temper tantrum last night. Mainly b/c Daddy walked into the room and told her she couldn't eat all of the M & Ms in her hand...when she was just organizing them and supposedly wasn't going to eat all of them. Well it turned into her having a breakdown b/c she was misunderstood. It snow balled and before we knew it she was in the green chair (timeout). We always tell her that when she's ready to apologize and she is calmed down, then she can come back in whatever room we're in. Well 10 min. later she was still not coming into the kitchen---very unusual. I went in and snuggled up next to her and asked her if she was ready to apologize to daddy. She looked at me and said, and I quote, "Ugh. I don't want to say sorry. I don't want to do all this work, I just wanna eat candy ALL DAY LONG!"

She was so serious about this statement and all I could do was laugh. But we worked it out and she did apologize to Daddy, so that's good!

Then the girls went up for a bath. In a silent moment, Ems stood up, held onto the edge and just tooted SO loud. The best part of all was that the two girls looked at each other and just started belly laughing. It was such a moment...we all loved it. Made me laugh pretty hard, too. Oh why baby farts are so funny, I dunno! But they ARE!


Fighter Rundown... said...

I am laughing outloud right now because 1...I can relate to the temper tantrums and times when you're not supposed to laugh but can't help it, and 2 - baby toots crack me up too:-) Thanks for the laugh!

orahoods said...

Oh Lib...that is too funny. What a character!

B-Mama said...

We have been having some sassiness from our M lately too! What I love best, though, are his rational, apologetic statements he makes after we've all settled down and talked things through. Oh, they're growing up all right! :)