Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun Tuesday

The day started with a really good cup of coffee. I actually made it myself, but I sucked it down! It was awesome.

An assembly schedule at school allowed me to have some extra time before I had to leave at 10:30, which meant I got a lot of work done for next week. I love feeling productive!! :)

I went right to watch miss El perform at her preschool Thanksgiving program. RD joined me...we were both all smiles the whole time. I just LOVE these things, which is totally why they do these silly programs. Parents and grandparents just eat up every facial expression, movement, and hand jive that their kiddos do. So yeah, RD and I fell into that category today. We were so proud of our "little turkey."

Then I went to pick up miss Ems and caught a few of her first steps on camera!! Today is about the 3rd day in a row that she has made attempts at walking and TODAY was a huge improvement! She is so adorable with that little baby waddle. She's crackin us up and will be off on her wheels in no time.

We ended the day with a great small group--a social evening. We had some great pizza. Some of us shared our engagement stories (took me down memory lane), and we ate some amazing chocolate chip pumpkin cookies. Doesn't get much better than a day like today!

Ok- gotta tune in to see who the finalists are for "Dancing with the Stars!!"


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