Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nothin like sick kids!

Those of you who have kids know the kind of week I am having. When one kiddo is under the weather, it's a pain. But when both are sick, it's just flat out annoying. When one isn't whining, the other one is. When one doesn't have snot dripping from her nose, the other one does. When one isn't tossing and turning and screaming in the middle of the night, the other one is. And if not---then she will be awakened within seconds b/c her sister is way too loud! :) Nothing I am doing is "right" for miss El cause she is just flat out tired and cranky. And Ems, who is growing up right before my eyes, is incapable of blowing her nose and therefore is covered in her own slime 100% of the time! (Sorry for visual that probably just gave you).

Soooooo, I am tired too. But I am making an effort to really start my mornings off 15 min. earlier than normal. Even though my days already start incredibly early since I have to be on the road by 6:40 AM., I want to make sure I have some quiet time/Bible time/resting time before I start each action-packed day. My great friend bought me a devotional, and I'm going to use that to guide these quick morning escapades. I haven't used a devotional in SO long so I'm kindof looking forward to it.

And despite the laundry list of "oh so tough" complaints I find myself having, I was reminded yesterday of how fragile life is. One of my students (7th grader) was the big sister to a little boy who was accidently run over and killed in his own driveway by his grandmother, just two years ago. Yesterday was a hard day for this student of mine as it was the anniversary to this tragedy. The memory ALL too fresh for this pre-teen, especially since she was in the car when it happened. I haven't been able to get her and her family out of my mind and have found myself on my knees for them a lot the last 24 hours. We just can't live our lives wanting the day to be over or wanting our kids to grow up and get past this stage. It's just all so quick!!

So to encourage you? Soak up the kids in front of you--or the friendships--or your spouse--SNOT and all!! Love on them. Thank the good Lord for them.
Amen? Amen!

1 comment:

A, E, e, a said...

Libby and family...
it breaks my heart to read about your student with sibling that died...what a HUGE reminder about what is most important in life! Thanks for that- I had two little sick kiddos last week, too, and it was exhausting around here as well. Hang in there and AMEN for the good thoughts. Love, E. Moseley