Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Most embarrassing moment EVER

So I was invited to this 30th birthday surprise party for a great friend of mine (co-worker at school). I thought it was yesterday. Key word: thought. I couldn't make it yesterday to the party and so last night around 8:45 I sent her a text. This is what it said: "Hi friend! I hope you had a great surprise today. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it but can't wait to hear all about it. Were you surprised?" I never heard back from her, which is strange cause she always responds to my texts real quick. Today on my way home from church I called her and left a message saying something similar---telling her I wanted to hear more about the party. THEN I GOT HOME. I looked at my fridge (at the invitation) and my heart sank. It literally dropped to my toes. The party is today-----in 15 minutes. I totally ruined the surprise, there's no question.

I just have wanted to cry for the past hour. How in the world could I have messed that up? I have never had a surprise birthday party in my life but I sure can imagine how fun it would be to be totally surprised and walk into a room/place with family, friends from all over, etc. Nope, I ruined it.

So who has some ideas for how I can apologize---genuinely apologize to her AND her family??
One thing for sure- I'm going to wear a BRIGHT YELLOW "idiot" button to school tomorrow and walk in her room with some flowers.

Any other suggestions? Does anyone have an embarrassing moment that can top mine?
Ugh. What a day.
Not to mention that El told me this morning when we got in the car for church that I look old. Great. 29 years old and my kid already thinks I look old. Hmmmmm....


E-Mommy said...

I'm laughing, not at but with...we ALL have done crazy stuff Lib. And since having kid I do it more...less brain cells I guess! A heartfelt apology is always nice. And now you both have a great story. I'm sure there's a sermon in there somewhere.

Courtney said...

OH, I wish I had advice. That story hurt to hear, I can only imagine how you feel. I guess the only good thing is you didn't mean to do anything was an innocent mistake. Maybe you could give her a little surprise a lunch or something when she wouldn't expect it. Then she still gets to have a great surprise and know that you care.

And- You don't look old. You may look older than 5, but that's about all EL is qualified to judge! :)

Lindsay said...

Oh Libster! Haha...that's a bummer but I was putting myself in your friend's shoes and I wouldn't have been mad at all. Not even if I had planned the party. You're probably the hardest person to ever get upset with because you're too lovable and would never do anything like that intentionally! Just gotta laugh about it now!