Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

38 1/2

Ok so I'll be 39 weeks on Monday. Here is the update. :)

I am carrying super low but I am not terribly uncomfortable and haven't had the swelling in the legs, etc. yet. Praise God!!

I am measuring only 36 weeks (because this little guy has dropped) and actually lost a pound this past week. My midwife told me that my babe is done cookin though, and any weight at this point will just go onto me- so no worries with the weight thing! I've only gained between 20-22 pounds so this little dude has been pretty good to me!

I am dilated only to 1 cm and am not totally thinned out yet, but getting closer. But she had to "maneuver around the baby's head" to check me today at my appointment, so he's in a good place down there!

I am getting a massage on Sunday afternoon with hopes to induce this labor and get the contractions a bit more consistent. THEN, Monday morning I am going into the midwives again to get re-checked and get things movin a bit. Not sure if anyone knows what "stripping the membranes" means, but I sure do. My OB did that to me when I was prego with Ellie and I went into active labor 8-12 hours later!! My midwife said she will "do that" on Monday morning when she checks me. Ahhhh!

Soooo, it could be sometime next week that this baby comes!

We are excited to meet this precious bundle. Please be praying!!!


B-Mama said...

Oh Lib, you are doing so great! Sounds like the little guy is right where he needs to be and that you all are well... What a good boy already! :) He's going to be such a sweetie. Adored by his big sisters. Can't wait for you all!!! xoxo and prayers. Love you!

orahoods said...

Glad your little boy has been so good to you little boy still is so I'm sure you're in for quite the little blessing! Take it easy and enjoy these last few days! Can't wait to "see" him!!!

A, E, e, a said...

oohh...that makes today 39 weeks and "stripping membranes" day. Grrr. I hated that and it never did anything to kick me into labor...but, we'll hope for better for you guys! Hang in there and try to enjoy these last few days as a family of four. Can't wait to hear the good news of little boy's arrival. HAVING a BOY is GREAT!!! Love, Erica (and family) Moseley

Fighter Rundown... said...

Thinking of you Libby!!!! I hope you are continuing to feel well. So excited to hear fun news. So much fun ahead of you. Love ya!

B-Mama said...

Keep us posted! I am on facebook constantly checking to see if you've had any status updates!!!