Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update on the babe and me

So I'm 39 weeks and one day. Good times, good times. I'm not terribly uncomfortable, I'm not sleeping horribly, and I'm not swollen and suffering from heat stroke or anything. :)

Went to midwives yesterday. She said my cervix is ripe and I'm about 50% effaced...still dilated to 1 cm and Griffin is still at a -1 position. Sooooo, she was encouraged that things are happening. I was FINE with the "report" although hoping for more (of course). I had contractions ALL day yesterday anywhere from 3-8 minutes apart. I was convinced I would be heading into the hospital last night. But instead of that, they came to a screeching halt when I went to bed at 11 PM and I was up all night for other reasons...see #3 below. :)

3 concerns and things to be praying about, if you'd be so kind...

1. Baby is switching between sideways across my belly and/or lying along the right side of my belly. Neither of those positions are ideal and the right side thing tends to end up with a post-terior labor and delivery. HORRIBLY painful and not ideal. So, please be praying that he moves to head down and stays that way!

2. I haven't gained weight in a month and am still around maybe a total of 20 pounds. Griffin is measuring 36 weeks, which concerns me b/c I measured right on target, or even AHEAD, throughout my entire pregnancy. My midwife offered to do an ultrasound to put my mind at ease. I may take her up on that by Thursday or Friday if nothing has happened yet. Pray that he is healthy and well...we are excited to hold this baby boy in our arms!

3. Emma got the flu bug and we were up all night cleaning up vomit. She's not in the clear yet, and depending on how contagious this is, we need prayer that Ryan and I don't get sick! HORRIBLE timing, huh?

Prayers are appreciated---we want this boy here soon!
Thanks and love to all!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

Prayers prayers! You are so close. Hang in there and I can't wait to hear how fabulously everything goes. A word of hope--I heard from a friend today that a baby's position in labor is linked to the shape of your pelvis. If you haven't had back labor/posterior babies in the past, you're not likely to have it this go 'round. Little Grif should get his act together by delivery! :)

You're going to rock it!! And will be my inspiration a week later!! :) Great to talk with you yesterday. What a precious treat. Miss you!! xo