Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer is coming to an END

Oh man, can't believe it. I only have like two weeks left (not even) until school starts. We are soaking up the summer though and trying to squeeze in all the fun things we can. On Thursday, RD's mom and all his siblings, spouses, and their kids are coming up to my family's cottage at Devil's Lake. It'll be a GREAT weekend! Pray for our sanity though cause we will have 9 adults plus 6 kids all under the age of 4. YIKES! More later----I just wanted to post some pictures of some recent stuff a happenin in the Snow family. Oh and if you're wondering about the punching bag workouts---yeah, they're happening. Although let's just say I've taken 7 advil today already. It's not even 4 PM. Ugh.

Sportin the Sunglasses!!

This is EM's classic scrunch face....ALL the time we see this "look."
EM has the smile goin sweet, huh?

Day at the Park with Cousin Jack

Windy/overcast boatride at the lake, but always an adventure!!


Fighter Rundown... said...

So adorable Libby! Love the pics...and the scrunch face:-)

Anonymous said...

So stinkin cute! p.s. I had been waiting for an update ;)

B-Mama said...

Super cute! That little EM is a munch! Could eat her up!!