Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More "EL sayings"

Just a few things that have cracked me up with Miss EL lately. Drivin down the street today, we pass Chucky Cheese. She says "Mom, when are you gonna stop telling me we are gonna go to Chucky Cheese soon and GO there? I mean, it's been at LEAST a week since we've gone there!" (Obviously, her understanding of time isn't quite there yet). "Will you just go get some Chucky Cheese money and take me there tomorrow?"

Also, today as we were gettin EL dressed in the bathroom, she said to me..."Mama, I just wanna smooch your face right now." She then climbs on my lap, hugs my neck SO TIGHT, then grabs my cheeks and kisses my forehead. I mean it was THE BEST!! :)

EL is pretty articulate, and always has been, so I love it love it love it when she still messes up a word or phrase, cause it's cute and it also reminds me that she's still my lil' peanut.
She calls goosebumps: goose boxes
She calls seaweed: kiwi-ed
And my favorite? She has a nickname for her lil' sis. She calls her Emsie-Ems. I just love it.

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