Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Peanut!!!

El turned 4 on Tuesday. Her b-day was celebrated over the course of a few days. Monday we had pizza and cupcakes with my family. Tuesday RD and I took her out to a fancy restaurant for her big birthday date...she ordered lemonade and a pesto chicken pizza. She was in HEAVEN! Today we go to Build-a-Bear...if she feels ok. (She spiked a fever last night and isn't going to school today cause she's fightin something).

The fact that miss El turned 4 about makes me crazy. She just all of a sudden feels so grown up. She talks like a big girl, writes like a big girl, eats and sleeps like a big girl, gets dressed all by herself (picking out her own clothes is a HOOT)...she has friends and has feelings and has giggle sessions----like a big girl. Last night I was putting her to bed. We always sing two songs. Sometimes I sing the song "Amazing Grace" to her...she just listens. I've told her what the song means before, not certain she really hears what I'm saying. Well last night I started singing it to her. She chimed in and sang the first two verse WITH ME! To hear my little peanut singing that song with me...possibly understanding what it mean...that was stinkin cool. (And it made me cry).

Then I started singing one of her favorite worship songs. She said "Pause Mommy," (i say that all the time)---, "remember when I was three and that was my favorite song? Yeah, that was when I was three. I'm four now."

Then she grabbed my cheeks and said "Goodnight Rosy, Rose. (that's what we call Ems). I know you're not "Rosy" mama, but you're MY rosy. I love you."

Ahhhh- happy birthday to my sweet little girl. El, you are growing up too fast! You don't understand what that means when I say that to you. All you do is ask me if I'm sad. Then you tell me that you're gonna be 5 soon!! No I'm not sad, but I want to soak up every single minute I have with you sweet girl. I love you too!!!


Courtney said...

I can't even imagine her being four. She sounds like the sweetest little thing (with a good dose of spunk too, which I appreciate!)

Happy Bday El!

orahoods said...

Happy belated Birthday Ellie! I can't believe you have a four year old... :) Great work on a great girl, Lib!