Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Terrible twos and Funky fives

I just came downstairs from putting Emma to bed. We talked about the boys in our family. Grady is quite a different two-year-old than Griffin was at that age. He gives us a run for our money, that's for sure. Every other mom I talk to reminds me that two-year-olds are defiant and nutso... Grady definitely is showing signs of that this week! Ha! His favorite thing right now is to take his hand and smack the air whenever he gets mad. It's kind of cute because he puffs out his lip, but yet it is so disrespectful and downright aggravating!

Griff was the dream toddler and I think might just be going through his terrible twos in the form of a funky five year old. Emma concurs. 
What a day! 

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