Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Eleven years is not possible

I can't believe this girl turned 11 today. I don't know who was more excited for her birthday: her or me. I love celebrating my kiddos and I love making the day special.

Ellie Snow, I am so proud of you. Your dad is so proud of you. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think that. Even amidst crazy mood swings and fights with your siblings...haha. Ellie, you are an incredibly hard worker. You are good at almost everything you touch, BECAUSE you try hard.
The past 6 months have matured you in tremendous ways as I've seen you rise up to help with, and love on Grady. You do this without being asked. You are fun and silly and sensitive. You are empathetic and kind. The other night when I was putting you to bed you said to me, "Mom, be quick when you go to the bathroom because when you come in I want to hear about how YOU are. all we ever do is talk about me."
You are a gem and a prize and you are our love. We pray that you would only understand that more deeply as we walk through another year of your life with you. And we pray you would trust that more fully as you grow with Jesus and understand his love for you: because it's even better than ours.
WE love you Ellie Snow.
Happy Birthday!

Ellie and Tiffany Thomson during her birthday guitar lesson. They opened the door when we were on a walk and sang/played for us. So fun. ❤️

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