Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

First few days in HH with nana and papa

Mom and Dad, the Snow kids and I drove down to Hilton Head a few days before everyone else this year. We stopped in Charlotte for a night and then took our time and headed to HH on Saturday. These days were SO fun. SO easy and always provide great memories. I'm so thankful for how my kids travel in the car and even more than that, so thankful for my parents and their sacrifice, patience, and desire to love and serve their grandchildren. 

The pool was literally freezing. Tough boy Griff was the only one swimming 
on day 1---he cracked us up! 

First hour at the beach--day 1 in Hilton Head. What a beautiful boardwalk and place to smell, see, and listen to. The ocean is an incredible part of God.

Easter morning--watched the sun rise all alone. Not a soul in sight, either direction. The ocean was so loud and so amazing. I stood there and thanked God for the victories He has won in my life and continues to win. Thankful for Jesus. Thankful that there is no greater victory in our life next to Jesus and his resurrection on this day.

Easter morning breakfast. What sweet faces and smiles.

A great few days to enjoy my kids, to play and slow down and rest and sleep and run. Thankful for silly moments and that Ellie likes RIBS. Thankful to be here in Hilton Head.

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