Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

4 year old Superhero Fanatic

Oh Griff. Happy birthday to our marshmallow. Our super-hero-aqua bats-power ranger-wave-runner, speed-racer loving FOUR year old. The boy who will play independently when asked to, and will play cordially and respectfully alongside his sisters and friends when asked to. Griff you are MY hero, little man. I seriously love the moment you wake up everyday. I love your smile and kissing your cheeks--even when you wipe my kisses away. ha! Daddy and I argue over who gets to put you to bed at night, as you are just a JOY to our hearts and our family. We loved celebrating with you today. 

The plan for the super hero party (a few days before the REAL day) was to have his bash at a park. NO rain in the forecast. And not only was there super hero cake involved, but there was going to be an exploratory walk where we used our super powers. Lo and behold, 20 min. after arriving at the park we hit a down pour. Ha! Soooo---we moved the party to our basement. Griff was a little sad but he's just THAT good of a kid---really didn't bat an eye. So proud of him today. 

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