Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 2, animal kingdom

We're here!!!!

Emma awoke @ 5 AM. Ellie and Griff, soon to follow at 6:30. Wow... Too much excitement!

Coffee, lots of coffee, waffles, bananas, and out the door by 8:15. Animal kingdom here we come!!

Africa safari, Expedition Everest, Tough to be a bug, lunch, exploring, ice cream treats, Lion King, and the Jammin Jingle Jungle parade!! Thanks to utilizing fast passes, there was little to no waiting in lines. Despite the number of people that WERE in the park today, we came at a perfect time of year. Fun times.

Of course our "park" day was followed by some "fun pool time" (when the kids should have been eating dinner), Popsicles, and then of course a nutritious dinner of mac & cheese and hummus sandwiches, ha!!

What a joy. What treasured memories!

The kids were all sound asleep between 7 and 7:30. Ryan, Jamie, Sarah, and I went down to the grill by the pool to then have a late dinner, around 8. That was the perfect way to end our day.

Ellie and Jack both rode this ride: Expedition Everest. What a fun, creative, unique roller coaster. We all loved it. I went twice cause I couldn't get enough of it! :)

Griff was so sad that he spilled his goldfish. Even though he was crying on the wall, the adults were belly laughing at how cute this kid is EVEN when doing that?! Oh much love for you! 
Uncle Dave joined Griff to do some consoling. :)

 Ellie played mancala with a nice guy from South Africa. She was so excited that she already knew how to play the game. Emma...loved that instrument. :)

Waiting for the parade: perfect way to end the day

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