Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ellie's prayer

We've been talking about adopting. Talking...not a for sure thing. But, we talk openly with our kids about how it is something we're praying about. The girls know what/who orphans are, and they pray for them a lot. Just now, we're having a snack (the kids and I) and this is what happens.
Me: I love your names. Ellie, Emma, Griffin...and Sam.
El: Sam? Who's Sam?
Me: I don't know. I just said a fun name for a boy. Maybe someday we'll have another boy in our family. Would you guys like that?
El: Yes. Let's adopt a boy named Sam
Me: Well that's something we need to continue to talk to God about peanut. You and Emma should be praying about this too.
Emma: ok mom
El: Let's pray right now..."Dear God, I just pray that you would help mommy, daddy, me, Emma, and Griffin to know whether we should adopt another kid. We think it would be great to help a little person who doesn't have a good life. But YOU have to help us choose what is best. Will you do that God? This kid may grow up (wherever he is) without a mommy or daddy and without ever having CAKE. Maybe this little boy needs to come to our home to have cake and a parent. Please show us what to do. Amen."

Me: tears. (As I sit in my air conditioned 5 bedroom home, I'm somewhat convicted about whether there's a possible "other-little-man" out there somewhere. and if we need to bring him home??)

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

SO sweet and dear. What a heart for Jesus she has! Love this idea of adoption too. CAN'T WAIT to see you!!! xo