Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

SO much to say

We have some fun things going on. :)

1. We had our 20 week ultrasound this week and found out we were having a BOY!!! The girls went with RD and I to see this great event and they loved every minute of it. The entire time the ultrasound tech was working on the sonogram, El kept asking her if the lady could please make it be a boy. She REALLY wanted a little brother. So needless to say, when the nice lady showed us the male body parts, we were all ECSTATIC! RD was somewhat in disbelief as he doesn't want to get his hopes up in case the tech was wrong. HeHe. It was pretty stinkin obvious that what we saw between those little tiny legs were not little girl parts.

That night at dinner we asked El what she thought we should name her little brother. Without hesitation, she confidently said "Hmp...STEVE!" It was like "duh mom and dad, like why would we name him anything else?" Keep in mind, we don't know ANYONE named we thought this comment was pretty much hilarious.

2. El had her 5th birthday party today with a few of her little girlfriends. I'll post some actual pictures soon...but I wanted to put a few video snippets on here for now. It was an absolute blast. We loved every minute of this afternoon and besides the fact that she was on a royal sugar high all evening, it was worth every ounce of effort put into it. We're looking forward to our "family celebration" tomorrow.


B-Mama said...

Wonderful news about your healthy little boy bean!!! Praise God! Also, happy birthday to Miss El this week... M is having the opposite kind of of party on Friday with 5 buddies and their moms heading over after preschool for a football party. There will be lots of football throwing and bounce house jumping--the very antithesis of a tea party! lol. Loved seeing some familiar faces in the video. Miss you all! xo and prayers!

E-Mommy said...

What a cute b-day party. You look great and I am so happy to hear that your heart's desire has been met with a little boy on the way. God is good, and your family is beautiful. Love you!

orahoods said...

Congratulations on the baby boy news! What a change it will be to have some blue in your household! Baby boys are super sweet:) I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes great!