Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Four special hangouts with our little man

1) June 1 noonish. We stayed about an hour...
Seeing Grady's face, in person, for the first time was one of the most surreal moments of our lives.  We were so tired and so jet lagged, but our hearts were pounding and we just couldn't wait to see meet you. Grady, you looked so familiar and yet we don't know you yet. It's a weird feeling. We love you tremendously--more than words could say. And yet you are so so scared of us. You cried a lot today as we met you, mainly because the setup for us to visit with you was not warm and comfortable. But touching your face and holding you on our laps---it was perfect.

2) June 2nd, AM--we stayed for over two hours this morning...
When we arrived this morning the nannies tried to put us in two chairs, in a room alone, and then they brought you to us. It was tense and uncomfortable for you, and not the way we would have wanted to see you at first today. The first 30 min of our visit were very emotional for me and also for you, little man. You cried and cried, and it felt so weird and strange knowing that I was your mom and yet I couldn't calm you down. I finally had to ask a nanny to help. I asked if we could play with you and make it more fun...
It worked. This young girl, Helen, was a beautiful 19 year old nanny that was just amazing. I could have cried just at how helpful she was and how much she loved you, too. My phone and my sunglasses won you over...and eventually the soccer ball we brought. It ended up being a glorious morning. We got our first smile out of ya buddy!

3) June 3 PM--we stayed another two hours or so...
We came back to see you later in the afternoon, after you had napped and after we had fed some wild monkeys, and visited with Semmi and Woudneh's parents. We were SO excited to see you again Grady---we just marched right into the orphanage and bypassed the "formal visitation setup." We walked right into your room and you were standing in your crib in a bright red shirt. So handsome. Dad and I just played with you and your friends and we loved every minute of it. I got to feed you sweet tea and a bottle, watched the nannies feed you injera bread, saw how silly you were...and loved every minute of it. They changed your clothes while you were there, into a blue flowered little outfit. Didn't even matter--cute as a button. Before we left you wore my shoes and we got to see you and your friends walk around outside for a few minutes, the only time we saw you leave your room. We left there with our hearts full and happy. You didn't cry once and you seemed to be more comfortable with us this afternoon. 


3) June 3, 9 AM-- we stayed for about an hour...
This was a quick visit and had to be a quick goodbye. When we walked into your room you smiled at us right away. We played with you, a little yellow truck and your friends. You loved it. You played with my phone and you got on and off a plastic chair in your room. You were having a blast in that simple little room and your smile could melt anyone. What a special boy you are, Eyasu/Grady Snow!!!!
We have to leave you today but tomorrow you become our son, legally. What an amazing trip this is. 

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