Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

10 year old in the house!!

It sure was a fun weekend celebrating Miss Ellie. Officially 10. What in the world? Ryan and I both remember the day we hit our double digits. So cool!!! I literally remember where I was standing when I put my "ten" candle on my cake. For Ellie---she has been SO excited to get her ears pierced. And that we did...What a champ. Barely batted an eye.

She loved having her two buddies come to dinner and sleep over as well. And of course--ending the weekend with a joint family party with her Nana. Such a treasure.

Ellie, we are so thankful that you being a part of our family makes us THE SNOWS. You are a joy. You cause us to think before we speak and you challenge us to be patient--a lot ;)...but you bring wisdom and fun and laughter and depth into our home. We love how you are growing as a basketball player and guitar player--and as a friend. You make us happy sweet pea. We love you so so much.

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