Current Report


2 Adults
2 drama queens
1 precious baby brother
1 amazing golden retriever in heaven, and missed!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Chi Town...just US

Why not take a weekend trip to Chicago? Let's do it!!

Took this picture out of the car door as we pulled into the big city. The kids were SO excited to see big buildings--especially Griff. He had never really seen a city like this before. What fun. 

Breakfast at YOLK! 

Oh did we walk and walk and walk... big city life. 

We passed a fire station and the Chicago FD invited us in. They let us all sit on the trucks and everything. As Griff was sitting here, the sirens went off and they had to evacuate for a call. Pretty thrilling for the kiddos! So....we walked to a bakery. ;)

This place rocked. 

We had to go visit the Bean. Even though it's so tourist-y...we just did it. Kids thought it was pretty stinking cool. :)

They were legitimately tired at the end of day 1.These kids were such troopers. They walked the streets of Chicago and explored with their over excited mom and dad. Man oh man we 
love hanging with our kiddos. 

From our Embassy Suite. Not too shabby!!!

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