The day started with a cup of coffee under my nose. RD woke me up and said "You have 25 min. to get showered and ready." So I quickly got dressed. One of my friends (Erin McMillan) showed up at my house before 8 AM. She put me in her car and drove me down the street to Cafe Scramblers for breakfast. When we walked in, my mom, sister, sister-in-law and another great friend were sitting at a table to surprise me. We had a great breakfast together!

Erin then drove me down the street to Kohls where RD and my girls were waiting for me in the parking lot. We all browsed around in there awhile and I got to do a little shopping. Fun for me of course! :)
RD took the girls home and said he would see me back at the ranch. Well, of course that didn't happen. I NEVER knew where Erin was taking me or what was next but we didn't head to my house. We drove pretty much all over town, just chit chatting. We hit up a cemetary and just enjoyed talking for a bit. We ended up in downtown Toledo where we pulled into a parking lot I didn't recognize. She told me to get out of the car and go into the building. (yeah, kind of freaky! Although I figured out it was Grumpys, a super yummy hot spot place to eat downtown Toledo). When I went, none other than Christy Mitchell popped out from behind a menu and said "you can sit here!!!" I seriously screamed. I NEVER thought Christy would drive from Stow, OH and surprise me for my birthday, but apparantly her and my hubby made arrangements. Such a blessing. Such a highlight of this great day. We had a fabulous lunch together, great talks, etc. We walked through Wildwood park for an hour when we were done. Awesome time together.
I then had about an hour and a half at home with NO ONE there but me and the girls. We took a walk which was great. Erin McMillan then showed back up, I thought just to visit for awhile because we were supposedly headed to my brother and sister-in-law's house for a family birthday dinner. When RD got home from work he told me he decided to do something else. So we hopped in the car (Erin stayed and babysat my girls) and headed out to a nice dinner. He took me to Ciao. Of course there was a surprise there, too. Our great friends Mike and Emily Jones were sitting there waiting for us. So the 4 of us dined and had a great dinner together!! (that picture is coming soon).
I was a bit surprised YET AGAIN that like 20 or more people were screaming at me when I walked in my back door. They seriously scared the snot out of me. Friends from church, small group...and my whole family. SO SPECIAL!
Of course the night didn't end there. At 9:45 pm the few girls that were left after the cake and ice cream festivities took me out to the Docks downtown Toledo where we all enjoyed a martini at the Navy Bistro. What a super fun way to end the night. Loved it. Loved the day. Felt so incredibly special and loved. It was awesome...can't even explain it!